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Все публикации пользователя hybrid87

  1. Maybe I misunderstood something in the last words, but since when doeas Riga have a metro system? ================================================ EDIT The first in-game test for the head car, still needs some work, but for about 5 hour work it's not bad
  2. OK I will check that
  3. @gramm That's my point. Those are details that one CIM player out of 1`000 will notice and I can take the chance of one being disappointed and 999 being happy. And with those minimal visual changes just make texture say it's a ER9, ER1 or even the prototypes of ER6 and ER10 BTW maybe you're interest in some information I found couple of years ago about RVR (or how it's called in russian - RVZ) productions. It's on my homepage - http://www.rigashadow.net.tc/ - From the top menu choose "Useful info" and then "RVR" some information is old and I found some new stuff when I made that RVR TR tram pack. But still some interesting pictures and info. @sonik I saw those models. But they are to high detailed for CIM. The game might run extra slow or even crash, because the in-game scripts would use too much CPU. I tested it - one high detailed model made the game run slow. The same result was of loading 99 low-detailed models. It would take more work to delete the details then make a new model.
  4. That number (ER2-1987) ist just a random number. It's currently just a test texture (and number). And It's the first ER2 version - the roundfaced (кругломордые). Later I will make the newer version - This one. And because CIM uses so low-detailed models the wide of the door isn't a thing everyone could notice. And if we need wider doors - just change the texture, since currently no door animations possible.