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Все публикации пользователя hybrid87

  1. Spasibo
  2. What is that: P.S. Maybe someone could send me ( hybrid.modding.garage(at)gmail.com ) the russian language file for CIM, so I could better test the mods on a russian game? I only have german, english, franch ans spanish.
  3. Please post the log file created right after the crash ... I'll see what's wrong
  4. So the first buildings are online. What should I make now? I think I continue with something "small" - road signs. Not just a few (13) like in the game I think about all the signs (at least the ones we have in Latvia). Later - some shops, schools, kindergartens, more typical block buildings.
  5. Don't know exatly if these series were build outside Latvia (the 464th series was also built in Lithuania). I tried to make the changing colors as close as possible to the ones in Riga but also to look "normal" in the game.
  6. Enjoy: 464th series (The Lithuanian Project) 467th series 602nd series
  7. The BMP file shows it: Green - you can place props on this part and people can go over this part Black - no props and no people White - the destination for the people
  8. well its possible to male the base size smaller, but then the build could overlay other objects and you could build something through the overlaping part
  9. they hev 1, 2 and 3 entrances ... I couldnt make them with more enrances because it would be imposible to turn them diagonally
  10. 1. The textures are made for seperate blocks. Not the whole facade. The model was made with copy+paste of the seperate blocks. So sorry for that. But everyone is allowed to retexture the whole model 2. Made some updates on the roofs. Now there are ventilation opening and entrance to the roof. Since the 464 series roofs are almost empty those are the only objects I will put on the roofs. 3. Everyone can make new texture for private use, but if you want to upload them somewhere please contact me and if the retextures are good I could put them also on my blog with all my models. Alex can make all the modification to my mods and upload them here (cim.ru) without contacting me, unless I say otherwise . 4. Once again sorry if my english writing is offending someone, but I think it's better than read some text from google translator ========================================================================== Todays updates. So for the 464 series I made the roof elements (as already said) and made a insulated (изолированный - don't know how it's in russian, but the idea is make the building more heat efficent and lower the heat loss).
  11. well the 464 series actually has nothing on the roofs ... Just some small ventilation openings and exit hatches ... Will try to make those changes
  12. thanks for the idea, but the current projects (464 and 602) dont have shops on the first floors. These are new projects (built since end of 1970ties) ... But i have ideas for seperate shop buildings built in ussr and after it
  13. Lobastik, let's not start a political discussion here. None of us would like the result. As Alex said, I don't write in russian because It's hard for me and google translator is crap. I can also write in latvian and german if you want
  14. Well Ikarus 263 and 290 can be easily done with some small changes in the texture
  15. So the 464th and 602nd series is actually completed and looks a bit like this:
  16. What's the content of the folder addons/vehiclepack04/tram02-2x/ ?
  17. Do you want to have 2 cars (vagona) or 3? Because this means you will have 3 and you forgot to put comma after the first added car: After &trailers you write only the added cars, because the first car is the script itself. So if you wnat to have only to cars make it like this:
  18. If you are editing the original script file make it like this: $price = 140000; $trailers = [ ["x04-tram02", false] ]; But it will replace the original one car tram. If you want to use both (1 car and 2 car trams) do something like I wrote in the ktm thread - (look at alex post). I will try to get some free time on saturday and sunday (besides my work at my buildings and beta tests for new mods) to make some tutorials which explain the modding. I think that the first thread should be about scripting because it's the most requested thing. Of course I can not make tutorials for everything, but I hope that they will help everyone to understand what you need to do to get what you want.
  19. Check all the environment.script files and see if you do not have "ktm2" mentioned twice. If so change one of them
  20. Oh crap ... totally forgot about this sorry Well the model really is detailed. That's good and bad: good - you've got tallent. bad - it could slow down or even crash the game (specially on low-end PCs) 1. We don't need the interior 2. We don't need mirrors 3. We don't need the letters (route number, vhod and vihod) to be 3D aswell 4. We don't need the windows 5. We don't need the headlamps or taillights to be modeled 6. We don't need that black stripe above blue color 7. We don't need the windows to have seperate parts for the parts that open in real life. The side of a bus could easy be just 2 polygons. Because the most work can be done with texture. Especially the _n.dds textures, because they imitate minor relief changes such as turning light, seperated windows, lamps. For example the lines on the side of the RVR trams are no polygons. The side part underneath the windows and between doors has only 4 polygons, but the _n.dds texture makes it look like it was modeled: Or an even better example. See that RVR logo on the lower part? The _n.dds makes it look like it has relief and shadows. To be honest I don't know what will be easier - try to "downgrade" your model or make a new one.
  21. 1. Copy the ktm5-sme folder 2. Rename it how ever you want (I will use "ktm5-3x") 3. Open ktm5-3x/scripts/environment.script and change it to be like this: The name in bold italic can be anything else just not the original. 4. Open ktm5-3x/cc/ktm.script and change this: Notice that the above marked texts (red color) are the same.
  22. @hawthron That's the life of a modder - make one and they ask for more and more and more
  23. Well I'm happy to help and the KTM is really nice
  24. Now that's a good game, they don't make such games anymore