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Все публикации пользователя hybrid87

  1. Currently my favorite game is: But all my favorite games are in my games collection which is 216 and counting them all up here would be an extra long post. Though I have all of them written down in an MS Access database to keep track of which games I have completed and which not
  2. Well my hobbies include 3D Modeling (as you have already guessed), PC hardware and software, PC Games Games are not a hobby but how's about collecting them? Currently my games collection has 216 games. It includes such games: Age Of Empires 3; Age Of Wonders 1, 2, Shadow magic; Assasins Creed 1 & 2; Bioshock 1 & 2; Call Of Duty: Black Ops; Cities XL 2009 & 2011; Civilization 4 & 5; Crysis 1 & 2; Dead Space 1 & 2; Dirt 1-3; Driver: San Francisco; Duke Nukem Forever; F.E.A.R. 2 & 3; all Fallout games; GTA 2 - 4; Hunted: The Demons Forge; Mafia 1 & 2; Mass Effect 1 & 2; Metro 2033; Need For Speed Underground - Shift 2; Prototype; Race Driver: Grid; Red Faction Guerrilla & Armageddon; Railroad Tycoon 2 & 3; Resident Evil 4 & 5; all S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games; Silent Hill 2 - Homecoming; Sims 2 (with all addons); Sims 3 (with all addons); Traffic Giant; Sim City 3000 & 4. And currently am playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
  3. Interesting thread. What's about september?
  4. On this series it would be possible, because there are no special end pieces like in the 464th series.
  5. I haven't thought about that yet, because I'm not starting to script yet. In reality each entrance (pdjezd) has 3 apartments on each floor. So that makes 3x5=15 apartments per entrance. So 1 entracne = 15 2 = 30 3 = 45 4 = 60 5 = 75 But I will try to make the count close to the original buildings, so that a five floor buildings doesn't have more apartmetns than a 16 floor original building Just thought about the future series. When I will make the 602nd series do you want to have an XXL version of it? Just like one building in Riga - a 9 floor building with 11 entrances (I like to call that building "The Great Wall of Riga" It has 4 (apartments per floor) X 9 (floors) X 11 (entrances) = 396 apartments
  6. There is no difference in creating a tram and a building. The difference begins in the scripting, because the script shows the game what is it. You can make the windows a different object because when you export it into OBJ format all objects will be combined into one. The size does matter - the bigger you make the model, the bigger it will be in the game. I converted an original building from CIM to OBJ format and imported that into Zmodeller. And made a new building according to the size of that. The size showed in the script is just for foundation. The model can be outside that size, thus making it possible to overlap other models or be overlaped by other models. Don't use square polygons. CIM only understand three point polygons (только треугольные). If you use square polygons CIM will convert them into three point polygons thus deleting half of the polygon (making it transparent.
  7. Well I acctually don't use that bmp file. Everything works great. @ yArchitect Try this thread - it's almost a tutorial http://citiesinmotion.ru/forum/index.php/topic/375-советская-техника-в-ситис/
  8. Haven't checked that yet because I don't need it My guess is in metro/objects/stops should be the script file and there could be something mentioned about that if not, then in editor.script or game.script
  9. CIM doesn't like such tram types. It goes well if the tram is articulated (for example my RVR TR pack), but single cars combined just doesn't look that good on turns, but still I found that the first line "this.length=" also infulences the turn radius and with that it could change the way combined tram cars turn. But I haven't had the time to test that. For example "this.length=1" will have a smaller turn radius than "this.length=2". So be my guest and experiment with that. I noticed it while creating the Solaris pack (v.2.0), since my first Solaris Urbino 15 was too long and turned through buildings in Vienna I tried to make it smaller and turn better.
  10. Try changing these: These show the lenght of the tram looking from the X=0 point. Try reducing these and the tram will come closer
  11. Some last test for this week and some fooling around I tried to rebuild Purvciems (a part from Riga) - Here's an areal photo of it
  12. BTW You can delete that "//company" from the strings file. it is not used in the game and was meant for me to make work easier
  13. Figured that out Now just some minor adjustment, but it looks like until next weekend I will not have any time to do anything here
  14. great work! Without any doubt I can surly delete KTM5 from my "to do list". But some tips: 1. When makeing the texture - don't make windows white. They will be too shiny in the game - unrealistic. Try to use same dark gray color. Like I do for my models: 2. Rename the object and script from tatra3 to ktm - looks better (from the modding side) and works. Just rename both object and script to ktm (the same name for both) and change the environment.script to say ktm (instead of tatra3)
  15. Ok. I got that. But now the buildings can be placed anywhere - even on top of other buildings/roads. before that it was like for the real buildings
  16. @Sobolev_IP Next project will be the 602. series (9 stories): With the so called "artist apartments" on the last floor: @artemyi Hard to say. Need's some more adjustement to the texture, and I need to figure it out how to make them available diagonally
  17. @artemyi No the first version. Made it from nothing today in about 2 hours @alex Actually I made 5 buildings - with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 entrances (podjezd). I haven't thought of making puzzle-piece bulding yet
  18. First pictures from the 464 series (Lithuanian Project)
  19. Well I guess that about 3dmax hawthorn could help you more. I use Zmodeler, it's the programm with which I learned 3d modelling and somehow can not get used to other programs (even if they are better - as everyone says).
  20. Yes, I meant that
  21. If you mean the time in which it is available for purchase: envinoment.script: $level.loadPlayerVehicle("er24a", "/addons/er2/er2-4/er2a", mkdate(15,08,1962), mkdate(31,12,9999));
  22. Yes. Such school building can be found in almost all cities in Latvia. But I will make this model once more from the begining, because it does not look as I wanted it to look. With this school I will also make some blocks of flats.
  23. No tutorial can be as good as experience