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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем R&W

  1. Ladies & Gentlemen,


    Let me introduce you the new and best way to share your user-made content for the game OMSI: OmSi-Nation


    The Pro's:

    • 4 languages: German, English, Russian, Spanish
    • no registration required
    • no limitation of up-/download-rate
    • no limitation of simultaneous downloads
    • no ads
    • no costs
    The Con's:
    • It's in beta-status yet.
    • The official release date will be within the last two weeks of april 2014.
    If you're a fan of OMSI then give it a try. If you're a mod-, map- or bus-creator then upload your content at OmSi-Nation NOW !!! It's free, it's fast, it's yours !!!


    And here's the way to go:



  2. Dear Lads'n'Gents,


    I started a new project about the game "OmSi": It's a filehoster called "OmSi-Nation". (Already wrote something about it here.)

    For now it's only available in German, English, Spanish & Russian, but we wanna offer some more languages, and this is what I want from you:

    Is there someone who can translate ...

    1.) German/English > Spanish DONE!

    2.) German/English > Russian DONE!

    3.) German / English> Czech NEW!

    4.) German / English> Polish NEW!

    5.) German / English> Italian NEW!

    6.) German / English> French NEW!


    Please send me a PM or write a comment below this thread if you could help me to translate the project into one of these languages. ^_^


    Then another question: Do you know, if the languages Russian, Czech & Polish are nearly the same or do they sound VERY different? I don't know that, so please tell me.  :blink:


    Ah, and here it is, just take a look so you can see what I'm talking about: Logo_orange_31.png



    Thx a lot.


  3. Hey, there,


    I'm from Germany and I wanna Say: Sorry!!!  :(

    I think, that it's not okay to delete every single link to your site. The problem is that there are two administrators (out of 4) who are afraid, that CiMnet could loose members, when any other site do something new. It's like everytime " TGru wanna publish our content? NO! " or "CiMnation will be a new CiM-project? NO! " Well, as you can see, as the owner of CiMnation I do have problems with CiMnet, too. Sometimes they are very very stupid. So, again: I'm so damned sorry for that shit, they are doing with you. But please: Don't think that the most other germans would act like these administrators ... most of the other germans would talk with you and try to find a better solution than deleting links and threads or something like that.  ;)


    With best regards, CiMnation from Berlin, Germany ^ ^  ^_^
