Dear Lads'n'Gents,
I started a new project about the game "OmSi": It's a filehoster called "OmSi-Nation". (Already wrote something about it here.)
For now it's only available in German, English, Spanish & Russian, but we wanna offer some more languages, and this is what I want from you:
Is there someone who can translate ...
1.) German/English > Spanish DONE!
2.) German/English > Russian DONE!
3.) German / English> Czech NEW!
4.) German / English> Polish NEW!
5.) German / English> Italian NEW!
6.) German / English> French NEW!
Please send me a PM or write a comment below this thread if you could help me to translate the project into one of these languages.
Then another question: Do you know, if the languages Russian, Czech & Polish are nearly the same or do they sound VERY different? I don't know that, so please tell me.
Ah, and here it is, just take a look so you can see what I'm talking about:
Thx a lot.