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  1. (Sorry for not using russian language) Hi, as a player from the Czech republic, this looks absolutely great! Thank you for your hard work If I understand correctly, do I have to donate for this pack, or is it compulsory?
  2. Thanks for your answer. And thanks for your advice, but I guess I'll wait for your models, these are simply class. Can't wait for mentioned Skoda 21/22 tr. Btw, I have some other Tatra models which I'd like to request. But since you have not enough time, I won't request them, maybe in November as you said.
  3. Hi Eugene (hope you'll forgive me not russian language). You're great modder of ЧКД (Tatra) vehicles. Can I have some requests? How about doing the Tatra T3R (many photos and little info http://www.prazsketramvaje.cz/view.php?cisloclanku=2006040817). That vehicle was used in 1999-2005 (Prague had only ONE of those, because of its breakdowns and problems). It was used in variatons: T3R (single), but I would be grateful, if you can make variation T3R + T3R